Your Future Starts Here
- Courses
- Access to Higher Education
- Progression Courses
- Professional Diploma
- Work2Learn
- Degree Pathways
- Employability Skills
- Study Online
- EC Reading
- EC Reading
- International Students
- …
- Courses
- Access to Higher Education
- Progression Courses
- Professional Diploma
- Work2Learn
- Degree Pathways
- Employability Skills
- Study Online
- EC Reading
- EC Reading
- International Students
Your Future Starts Here
- Courses
- Access to Higher Education
- Progression Courses
- Professional Diploma
- Work2Learn
- Degree Pathways
- Employability Skills
- Study Online
- EC Reading
- EC Reading
- International Students
- …
- Courses
- Access to Higher Education
- Progression Courses
- Professional Diploma
- Work2Learn
- Degree Pathways
- Employability Skills
- Study Online
- EC Reading
- EC Reading
- International Students
Egraduate College Social Initiatives
Egraduate College funds and delivers courses that gives refugees and underrepresented minorities access to higher education.
Scholarships for Refugees
Egraduate College has been working to offer scholarships for refugees and stateless people across South East Asia. This CSR initiative is part of our LevelUp programme in partnership with ElShaddai Learning Centres in Malaysia. Egraduate College aims to support refugees and asylum seekers to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees by providing flexible and alternative routes to higher education.
To find out more about our partner, ElShaddai Learning Centre please visit
About Us
Egraduate College is a remote-first education provider specialising in pathway education for higher education institutions (HEIs). With a focus on assisting international students, Egraduate College offers valuable opportunities for individuals to pursue their academic aspirations at renowned HEIs primarily in the United Kingdom, as well as in the United States and Europe.
Egraduate College Reading (EC Reading) is accredited by ASIC (Accreditation Services for International Colleges and Universities).
Our courses lead to internationally recognised qualifications awarded by UK Awarding Organisations such as Open College Network South East Region (trading as Laser Learning Awards) and Qualifi.
Contact Us
Davidson House
Forbury Square
Reading RG1 3EU
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1182287360
E: study@
+44 (0) 7546912480
Copyright © 2020-2024 - Egraduate College Ltd. Registered in England and Wales.
Egraduate College is registered with the UK Register of Learning Provider (UKRLP Reference Number: 10087926).
ICO Registration Reference: ZA862540